Monday, August 3, 2009


Everywhere I go and everything I do makes me want to put pen to paper and write about something I've seen or heard. This weekend was no exception. Although every muscle in my body is screaming in agony after hauling boxes, painting walls and stressing over things not running exactly perfect for the "great American apartment switch" this weekend, I am grateful for the story ideas that I picked up while hurrying here and there.

I've purchased a small box. Index card size. I've also purchased the index cards to go in the box. On the index cards I plan to write things that stir my interest. I always carry a notebook with me, but now I will also carry some index cards. I'm at that wonderful age where...if I don't write down my thoughts right away...they ain't gonna be there two minutes later for me to recall. I like to think this is because after so many years my brain is so totally full of information that I don't have a spare corner to store any other facts in, so thoughts just run through me like water. (this is my story and I'm sticking to it!) At any rate grabbing an index card and making a few notes about what I've just experienced or something I've just seen or maybe snippets of a conversation I've just overheard...will help me later when I'm trying to come up with an idea for a story line. I'll put all my cards in the index box and I will call it "My Index to Inspiration".

An example of an index card filled out for this weekend...a large dog "dropping" left on the walking path at my daughter's brand new apartment complex, with the doggy poop bag dispenser two feet away. This started almost an hour's discussion on inconsideration, size of the dog, laziness of the owner, will this be continued behaviour, whose job was it to pick it up now....SEE...definitely worthy of an index card! So grab a box, stuff some index cards in your pants pocket or purse and start making notes!

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