Friday, August 28, 2009


Gasp...yes that's right...I'm at a loss for words this morning. Too much personal life, not enough writing life. After this weekend though my life should be back on track again. Oh yeah...I think I've said that before, once, twice, a thousand times.

Oh wait...I'm digging down deep into my creative soul and yup, shore George I think I've got something. I've got a question actually. Did you ever meet someone and while talking to them just wish that they were a writer cause the tales they spin are so interesting that you just know if they could put those words on paper everyone would enjoy reading them? I used to work with a woman, during my "employed" days and she could tell the most interesting stories. Not that it wasn't annoying at times, cause she could literally stand at your desk for 30+ minutes just yakking away about her grandma's cure for cankers and warts or her grandpas recipe for the best moonshine in the South or all the crazy things that happened at her latest family reunion. I always wished I'd had a recorder, because she had some amazing antecdotes to share which could create an amazing read.

Last night while having dinner with a couple of wonderful friends, one of the ladies was entertaining us with stories about the childhood of a new man she's dating. I was so intrigued and all I could think of was why isn't someone writing this down. What an amazing tale this would be. Some people are just blessed with a lifetime of fascinating personal accounts and I'm always just a little bit sad when I find out that person isn't a writer, so these tales will more than likely only be shared with a handful of individuals.

I know I've said before "we all have a story to tell"'s just that some of those stories are way more fascinating than others.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I've coined a new word..."ponder-ments"'s kind of like condiments, but instead of ketchup, mustard or mayo, it's the little additions you need to make to your writings when you complete them. Read what you've written, then "ponder" on it for a bit and then add that little extra flavoring to send it over the top.

My hubby read my short story last night. Very funny cause he's definitely not a reader. Strange that someone so passionate about the written word would be married to a guy who truly hates reading, but what can I say..."I love him". Anyway, he agreed to read through the story, after kind of groaning at how many pages there were (I'd probably send him into cardiac arrest if I asked him to read my entire novel) and headed out to the back porch to fulfil his promise. The amazing thing is...he really gave me some very good suggestions as to what I needed to do in order to make the story even better. He said he liked it, said he could picture everything happening in his head as he was reading (which is a good thing), then he recommended I make a couple of additions. At first, I just mentally sighed and thought..."oh yeah, the guy who doesn't read is telling me how to write". But I asked for his opinion and I owed it to him to consider what he suggested.

Okay, I hate it...but I have to admit he was right! I am going back to my story today and I'm adding a few chocolate sprinkles and maybe a dollop of whipped cream...then contest entry shall be a thing of beauty and even if I don't least I'll know that I submitted a luscious manuscript along with all the right "ponder-ments".

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


You know what the wonderful thing about writing is? You get to call the shots. You get to set the scene and you get to say what will happen. It's true that sometimes your characters will surprise you and suddenly they are taking you on a journey in a totally different direction from where you thought you were headed, but when the story is your "own", then you are in complete control of the outcome.

Yesterday I finished the short story I plan to submit to the Greensboro Review for their writing contest. (yes, dear followers, I DID actually write 8-3 yesterday) The story I am submitting is semi-autobiographical. It's earned the "semi" title because I rewrote the ending. The events that occured are true up to a point. Then I suddenly realized I could have retribution. I could have payback for all the misery I suffered as a child and as we all know "paybacks are hell", so I killed her off. My antagonist, my so-called guardian, the woman who raised me from the young age of two with a cruelty no child should have to endure...I killed her off!! Ding-dong the witch is dead and it felt sooooo good!

Even if you aren't a writer, you can benefit from this exercise. Write a letter to your enemy, tell them exactly how you feel, how you want them to suffer, how you want them to be punished for the pain they've inflicted on you. Then read it out loud! It is totally cathartic! It helps to cleanse the soul and can bring you peace. It doesn't wash away the acts of degradation, but it does give you a feeling of power. And, in writing down your frustrations. if you should happen to find an imaginative way of "getting rid" of that evil person...well that's even better. The best part can't even be arrested!! Paybacks are not only hell, sometimes they are sweet vengeance!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


How is it possible that I can't even keep a vow for one freakin' day? I had big plans yesterday. I was going to enter the "Fortress of Solitude". Yeah right. Had a doctor's appointment in the morning and then I had already committed to helping my daughter's boyfriend in going to the car dealership to pick up his new car. That was going take...well maybe an hour. I figured I'd just tack on two hours to my writing commitment and stop at 5 instead of 3.

Never happened. The car assignment turned into a nightmare...thanks to Jay at Imports Performance on Capital Blvd. Jerk...doesn't even begin to describe this guy. He may have just found himself as a character in one of my next books, as a sadistic antagonist! I have purchased many, many cars in my lifetime and this was by far the worst experience of my life.

Anywhoooo, not to get myself all tied up in knots again...but thanks to amazing incompetence it took 5 hours for this car deal to be finalized and by the time it was over...I was exhausted. Rung out. Totally depleted. I just wanted to take a nap. Certainly had no inclination at all to write, unless it was getting out my frustration about this chavanistic, slimey, bird-brain of a salesman. My daughter's boyfriend however seemed satisfied, so he got his new "ride" and I got indigestion and heart palpatations.

TODAY...I renew my vow to work on my writing from 8-5. I am making a new commitment and I am crawling into the fortress of solitude...........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Monday, August 24, 2009


Remember Superman's Fortress of Solitude? I need one of those. I wonder if he'd let me borrow his for a few months? "Hey Supe...ole buddy, can I crash at your ice pad for a bit. I am in dire need of some solitude."

I'm a giver. A can't say "no-er". A person who cares (sometimes too deeply) and this can get in the way of my life path. Especially if that path is to write. Good Lord even the dog can interupt my train of thought, while I fulfill his needs and his needs have become many since I've been home with him all day. I need to see my writing as my job and pursue it in the same way someone who is trying to climb the corporate ladder might attack that goal. I need to stop spending hours on Facebook (ugh what an evil, addicting communication tool), stop emailing friends all day long, take the phones off the hook (home and cell) and just hermitize least till I finish with the agent's beginning with "Z" and complete my second manuscript.

Sigh, unfortunately...I am such a social creature. So I will try to work at least a little "people" time into each day. I will work from 8-3 everyday on my writing and contacting viable agents. No phones, no emails, no Facebook (my heart almost stopped at that one). I will, of course, take a brief lunch break...sustenance feeds the creative brain cells, and it will be a real struggle not to get caught up in some of the on-line traps I get into...but I'm going to make an effort. That's all anyone can ask of oneself...that you make an effort...a "sincere" effort. If this doesn't work...then I have plan "B" ready...which I can share later if plan "A" is a flop.

Speaking of plan "B" I complete the agent's starting with B and move on to C. I have one more hour before my "work" day begins. Wish me luck and I'll talk to my friends after 3:00. Toodles............