Wednesday, August 5, 2009


A very famous woman, namely Scarlett O'Hara, once said, "I can't think about that right now. If I do I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow." Lordy, don't I wish writing worked this way. If I think about sending my "newborn" manuscript to an agent...I feel like I'll go crazy. I HAVE to send it, of course, to even have a chance at getting published...but it drives me nuts, the pressure of rejection. And there will be rejection. No doubt about that. I haven't written a Noble prize winning, life altering, Oprah book club story, but I have written a thrilling, page turning romance, worthy of publication. It's just stumbling through the process and finding that right fit, when it comes to agents.

A dear friend of mine, emailed me a wonderful quote one day, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. It started out, "Finish each day and be done with it." In our personal lives, I think that is definitely what we should attempt to do. Forget the crap that slowed us down, hurt us or made us feel bad about ourselves. Keep pushing. But my writing and my relationship with it is different. I can't just be "done with it." Emerson goes on to say, "You've done what you could." Have I? Have I really Ralph? Done all I could? In my world of self-doubt I'm not too sure of that. The quote continues, "tomorrow is a new day." NOW we're on the same page Ralphie buddy! I get another chance "tomorrow". Or do I...cause we all know..."tomorrow never comes." sigh..................... Picking up highlighter....

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you are so good about writing in your blog every single day is something u shld be feeling really good about. Your thoughts come thru so well on paper. You ARE a writer.
