Monday, August 31, 2009


Had to make a "to-do" list last night. Tomorrow I am taking a stress test. I don't mean the kind of test where life situations are thrown at you left and right till your a sobbing mass lying on the floor panting...I have that test every week. This will be a "hook the girl up to a heart monitor and see if we can make her pass out" test. I have to admit...I'm nervous and a bit scared. Well meaning friends tell me "oh don't's a piece of cake"...well I'm a "pie" girl myself and I'm always anxious about the unknown. Has anyone ever experienced a heart attack while taking one of these tests? I'm having the test done cause my doctor doesn't like the fact that I get sharp pains when I exert he's going to have me run on a treadmill and see if he can make that happen? I sense a bit of the sadistic in my MD?

My to-do list is so I won't sit around thinking about this dang test tomorrow. I'll stay busy. I love lists! I love being organized. I love checking off each item as I complete it. Okay...FINE...I'm anal. But I'd be that mass lying on the floor panting today if it wasn't for my beloved to-do list.

I think keeping a to-do list is great while you're writing too. I like making quick notes of scenes or conversations I want to change in my and paragraph included. Then, check, check...Roger I take care of each concern. Lists of agents I want to contact..check, check, as I query them.

Maybe it's because I like having things so orderly that I'm stressing over my stress test. Maybe if I make a list...get up, get dressed, stay busy, busy, busy, while waiting to leave for appointment, drive to doctor's office, hand in paperwork, read year old magazines in waiting room till name is called...not sure what happens next........that's the scary part. Say a little prayer for me readers. See ya tomorrow...I hope.

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