Monday, August 24, 2009


Remember Superman's Fortress of Solitude? I need one of those. I wonder if he'd let me borrow his for a few months? "Hey Supe...ole buddy, can I crash at your ice pad for a bit. I am in dire need of some solitude."

I'm a giver. A can't say "no-er". A person who cares (sometimes too deeply) and this can get in the way of my life path. Especially if that path is to write. Good Lord even the dog can interupt my train of thought, while I fulfill his needs and his needs have become many since I've been home with him all day. I need to see my writing as my job and pursue it in the same way someone who is trying to climb the corporate ladder might attack that goal. I need to stop spending hours on Facebook (ugh what an evil, addicting communication tool), stop emailing friends all day long, take the phones off the hook (home and cell) and just hermitize least till I finish with the agent's beginning with "Z" and complete my second manuscript.

Sigh, unfortunately...I am such a social creature. So I will try to work at least a little "people" time into each day. I will work from 8-3 everyday on my writing and contacting viable agents. No phones, no emails, no Facebook (my heart almost stopped at that one). I will, of course, take a brief lunch break...sustenance feeds the creative brain cells, and it will be a real struggle not to get caught up in some of the on-line traps I get into...but I'm going to make an effort. That's all anyone can ask of oneself...that you make an effort...a "sincere" effort. If this doesn't work...then I have plan "B" ready...which I can share later if plan "A" is a flop.

Speaking of plan "B" I complete the agent's starting with B and move on to C. I have one more hour before my "work" day begins. Wish me luck and I'll talk to my friends after 3:00. Toodles............


  1. Debe - get up early with your hubby, FB from 7-8 then work - don't cut yourself off too much!

    I highly recommend some Bose or other noise cancelling headphones - I sometimes even use them when I am alone in my home office so I can really focus.

  2. Thanks Richard...great advice. I've just gotten around to looking back on comments from past postings.
