Wednesday, July 29, 2009


There's a great book called "Making the Perfect Pitch" (How to Catch a Literary Agent's Eye) by Katharine Sands, that I purchased about eight months ago. It is filled with short chapters authored by a selection of agents about what they look for in a query, a synopsis and in a potential client. It is like finding gold at the end of the rainbow. It not only gives you some fantastic tips and information, but it also gives you a little bit of a peek into many of the agents personalities and gives you a feel regarding the agency they work for.

When I orginally purchased this book I devoured it! I read it from cover to cover...even the agent's that didn't represent the genre I write in were consumed. I didn't take tiny little baby bites, I scooped the information up with a soup spoon and stuffed myself with it's yumminess. I made notes throughout, underlined, highlighted and marked certain pages. Then I put it back on my bookshelf.

I forgot it was there! Until the "Goddess of my dreams" reminded me of it last night during my slumber. I got it back off that bookshelf first thing this morning and I am going to spend the day (okay a good portion of the day) going back over all my notes.

I re-wrote the dreaded query yesterday and I have to say I am more satisfied with it now. My notes in "Making the Perfect Pitch" will help me to fine-tune it even more. I still have that knot in my stomach at the idea of reaching out to agents, but at least I'm not standing still any longer.
"Vive la agents and la dreaded query"

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