Friday, June 18, 2010


I must soon join the work force again. In January 2009 I was laid-off, after seven years of working for the same company. Seven years was a record for me and I was really devastated when they let me go. Okay, honestly, I was depressed and crushed.

I spent the first three months of freedom wallowing in my own self-pity and feeling sorry for myself. Then I saw an opportunity. I was receiving unemployment benefits and decided to resurrect my writing talents. Happiness reined in our home again. I spent hours a day completing a novel I started over twenty years ago. I started blogging. I wrote poetry, short stories, children stories, magazine articles, whatever struck my fancy. After six months of just enjoying the creative process of penning prose, I decided I should actually try to make some money at this past time. After all, the government wasn't going to pay me forever to stay home, so I needed to earn some cash from my literary productions in order to seriously consider it as my new "career."

SCRRREEEECCCCHHHH, this is where my writing dream seemed to stall out. Although I truly relish typing away and telling tales, breaking into that "paid" author group is tough!

I still kept struggling though, till this week. This week my unemployment stopped coming in every Tuesday. I won't miss the sound of that lady's voice on the phone every Monday as I call in to register, but I will miss the money that allowed me to follow a dream...for at least a while.

I am now officially, honestly and sincerely looking to re-enter the 8-5 work force. I am determined not to let my dream die along with having to become a drone for 40 hours per week, but bills don't stop coming just because your income does. So, unfortunately, its' "hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go" soon as I can get hired that is.

1 comment:

  1. Don't ask me why, but I just LOVE this particular blog post. Maybe it's because I am still living through day job hell and living my dream only part time, but I absolutely understand how you are feeling in regards to living the dream. So glad you started posting on GOLO, otherwise I would not have found your blog. :)
