Thursday, June 17, 2010


I was watching America's Got Talent last night. Definitely not one of my favorite shows, but I love Howie Mandel and he is a judge this season (say "good-bye" to the Hoff).

Howie has this amazing ability to really LOVE life. He always has this wondrous expression on his face, like he's seeing or hearing something for the first time and he finds it interesting and amusing. The other two judges are very quick to hit their "stop" buttons, but Howie sits and stares with amusement and sometimes laughs outloud at what we think are those mundane or ridiculous acts. He is truly entertained.

I used to view life this way. I found amusement and a chuckle in so many of the things in my life and the world around me. I observed more. I slowed down and took more time to look around me. I believe I enjoyed more.

Some people might say, "well you've grown up," and they are probably right, but it sucks. I don't want to be a grownup if it means I can't find wonder and joy in the little things or the absurd things happening around me. When did I become so cynical and judgmental.

When I was working every day I used to look for something humorous or interesting on my way to work. It could be a billboard, a business sign, a person at the bus stop, a crazy looking vehicle or someone walking down the road. Sometimes I would share what I'd seen with my fellow co-workers, but always I would have that image to look back at and smile throughout the day. It's a great way to start your day. Try may like it.

As for me...I'm gonna get back on that "Peter Pan" train and appreciate the silly again!

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