Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I DID IT! I spent most of the day yesterday pounding away at my laptop keys and I wasn't sending emails or playing YoVille on Facebook...it was really and truly, honest to God writing! I never did get back to the beach with Star Matthews...or to any of the racy sex scenes I was looking forward to writing. I actually opened the box with my original manuscript "Deadly Letters", grabbed the USB flashdrive that I'd saved it on and started on my final re-writes.

I did take a brief break to go have lunch with a friend (which was a feat cause my stomach had been messed up all morning), but I was glad I made the effort to meet up with her. Some people just make you feel good after spending time with them and Julie is this type of person.

I don't believe that writer's should just hole up inside their little compounds and never step out into the sunshine for months at a time. I think you stagnate that way. Writing, for me, is about observing people and their behaviours and then working to capture that on paper. Besides, you can get some awesome story ideas by getting out there.

For example, while sitting at a lovely table outside the Cameron Bar and Grill yesterday, waiting for Julie to arrive, I was approached by a lady who appeared to be in her early 50's, with short dark hair and an expectant smile on her face. "Sue?" she questioned me. I smiled and said no. Looking slightly embarrassed she explained that she was there to meet an old friend she hadn't seen in twenty years. The only thing she really knew about the woman was that she was now a blonde. I was sorry I wasn't that friend. This woman was so excited about seeing her buddy again after all these years. I asked her if she'd like to sit with me for awhile till our guests arrived, but she said she was going to try calling Sue and hurried off. I kept an eye on her though, interested in her story. She ended up sitting at a table, alone, further down our row. Later, while Julie and I were munching on our salads and talking, the mystery woman came walking by our table. I placed my hand gently on her arm and when she turned toward me asked, "Is your friend coming?" Her eyes were saddened as she said, "She forgot. We will meet up next week instead."

There's a story there folks. Everything and everyone around you is a story waiting to be told. How after twenty years of not seeing someone could you forget you were to meet them for lunch? Why didn't the woman show? Will they meet up next week or will she find an excuse of some sort not to come? A hundred questions float through my mind when I observe a scenario like this one.

Stories are all around us...open your eyes fellow writers and write!


  1. Sounds like novel #4 is percolating with the story of the woman who's friend has forgotten her.

    I'm looking forward to reading tomorrow's epistle.

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I think it's perverse that the things I write at 3AM ALWAYS have to be rewritten. The ideas that sound so profound after 45 minutes of pounding the pillow are really mundane when sunlight hits them. They wilt like
    friends of Bram Stoker.

    Don Ward

  3. It makes me energized too--that you did what you promised. This should be a wonderful year. Keep going. Margaret A. Harrell
