Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Do we ever stop being parents? I have two children, a son and a daughter. My son lives in Mountain City, TN and is in his 30’s…and I still worry about him periodically. My Daughter though, is my main source of concern. She is turning 23 next week and she has been very sick for the last couple of days. I, of course, being Mom, have lost sleep over her illness. Every horrible scenario, I could possibly think of, rushed through my head last night, while I was trying desperately to shut off my brain and snooze.

She’s always had stomach issues. We’ve been to doctor after doctor and had test after test run, but no one ever finds a significant reason for her upset tummies. Yesterday she couldn’t keep anything in her system and today she is still suffering.

I automatically go into “nurse mom” mode when she is ill: making toast, tea, hot pads for her back, taking her temperature, and cool compresses for her forehead. I’ll do anything to try to make her more comfortable.

The hardest part is the worrying though. I wonder if anyone has ever done a survey to see if people who never have children live longer lives? I have several very good friends, who are suffering through all sorts of situations with their grown children. I’ve come to the conclusion, that no matter what their age…our kids are our kids and we will always be their parents.

I just wish I could get a decent night’s sleep and stop this infernal anxiety, which always seems to settle in the pit of stomach, whenever I feel either of my children’s worlds are threatened in anyway.

Regardless, I have to admit, I wouldn’t change the role of motherhood for anything in the world. Both of my children have been a blessing from the day they were born and they continue to bless me every day. I’ll deal with my daughter’s present problem and then move on to the next one. It seems never ending, but so is my love for her!

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