Monday, April 19, 2010


We could use an upgraded dishwasher. I don't want to get rid of the one we have though. It's noisy and the new ones tend to be "silent". I like knowing for sure that my dishwasher is running. I like the swish, swish sound of the water moving around. I even enjoy the noise it makes when it drains. Call me crazy, but I find comfort in a lot of different sounds.

I run a "white noise" machine at night. I always push the ocean waves button. My husband hates it, but I find it just the perfect symphony to block out background noises and lull me to sleep. When we go on vacation and stay in a hotel I need to run the air all night long or turn on the bathroom exhaust fan. Again...drives the hubby nuts. But it's better to spend time with a well rested wife, than a shrew with sleep deprived bags under her eyes.

The sound of a train whistle can calm my soul almost instantly. When I was a child I remember that sound traveling up the hillside and coming into my bedroom window. I loved it. I found it comforting and reassuring. I liked to dream about the people traveling on those trains and all the wonderful places they were going to.

A baby giggling, my dog's moan as he stretches himself, a cat purring, the roar of a motorcycle engine, the crunching of autumn leaves under my feet, church bells chiming...I enjoy all these sounds. Some inspire happy memories and some just make me feel alive.

I like smells too...but that's for another day.

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