Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I didn't do one blessed thing yesterday as far as writing goes. Very short "accomplishments" list for the day. Very disappointed in myself. I MUST do better today.

I did discover a wonderful cure for insomnia though, this past weekend. The Informant starring Matt Damon. Wow, what a snooze fest this movie is. It's basically just a lot of blah, blah, blah...over half way through the movie you "get it" but by then...I'd really lost interest. There are a couple of snicker funny parts in it, but no laugh out loud moments. Too many "guarded looks" going on between the actors, conversations are basically on a monotone level and well...that did make for some great sleeping! I'm thinking about buying it when it comes out on DVD and then plugging it in on those nights when my brain just doesn't want to shut down and I'm sure to get a peaceful nights sleep.

Considering it was based on a true story, it had the potential to be really good, but definitely fell short of it's goal.

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