Thursday, June 3, 2010

PEDRO SAYS...........

My hubby and I always try to make our road trips fun. Sometimes we rent a book on tape to listen to, we play the child's game of naming items we see starting with each letter of the alphabet, we name a certain model car to look for and score points for each one we point out.

On our recent trip to Florida we got caught up in the South of the Border signs. (SOB for true fans) For my Northern friends you may not know what I'm talking about, but SOB is a landmark on I-95 just over the North Carolina/South Carolina border in Dillon, SC. It is sometimes referred to as a "tourist trap", but I prefer to think of it as a "tourist complex". They have lots of shopping,(imagine 13 different styles of backscratchers), places to eat, a motel with over 300 rooms and a campground. The area is marked by a huge sombrero 200 hundred feet in the air which can be spotted way before you actually arrive at the exit.

What makes SOB really great is the billboards they have lining the highway for 200 miles before you even arrive there. There are 120 billboards, featuring their mascot Pedro and we decided we would read each and every one of them between Raleigh, NC and Dillon, SC...with a Mexican accent of course! I started and I got to read the signs as long as I didn't miss one. Once I became preoccupied and skipped hubby got to read till he missed one. Silly...but fun when the signs read: "Pedro says: You never SAUSAGE a place" and "You're always a WEINER at Pedros". By the time you reach the can you NOT visit this place?

I just discovered that they offer a lovely wedding package there. Hmmmm, maybe for the renewing of our vows on our 10th anniversary?

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