Thursday, April 29, 2010


A week or so ago I ranted about the font sizes used for directions on food products, some magazine articles and books these days. Not that the font size has changed in the past 50+ years, but my eye sight sure has. I had another reminder of that last night.

After attending a meeting for The Triangle Freelancers I was driving home around 9:45 and felt as if I was "flying" down the road. I rounded a curve on Trawick Road, surprised that my tires didn't squeal, and there was a police officer sitting on the side of the road. My heart did a flip-flop, I experienced cold chills and I quickly looked down at my speedometer. I was shocked to see it read 42 mph. The speed limit was 45. WTH? I could have sworn I was going at least 60.

Driving in the dark. Yet another sign that you are aging is when you think you're going 90 and your only clocking 40 or 50. When I was in my 20's and even 30's the only time I felt I was "flying" down the road and actually wasn't was because I'd been smoking something funny. Now it happens cause I can't see very well, so I slow down, but don't feel like I've slowed down. I could see at least 200 yards in front of my car on a straight away 20 years ago and I could see a bird lose a feather a 100 yards away. Now, I'm lucky if I see the bird before it hits my windshield.

Not that I should be complaining about not moving so fast I get a ticket, but it was truly disturbing to recognize yet another sign of getting old. I guess I'll have to save all my automobile daredevil moves for the daytime, when I can see at least 25 feet in front of my car...if I squint.