Friday, March 12, 2010


My daughter was sitting on the sofa a couple of nights ago with her new guy friend and somehow the conversation got around to her moving back home. Suddenly she is informing me that a friend of hers has an extra bedroom available in her apartment. HUH? I thought my daughter wanted to be here? I actually thought life had gotten pretty damn good for her since she moved in with us. Now she's talking like she wants to move out and it's only been two months.

Granted...this living situation has been very tense at times. She is used to just coming, going and doing whatever she wants. BUT, she also had to clean her own dishes, do her laundry, take care of her dog, iron her own clothes, cook her meals...all chores that mom has taken over since she's moved in.

Yeah, I know...I know...why in the hell am I doing all this stuff for her? I guess I'm just a caregiver. I actually enjoy taking care of people. I do think that at this point though...maybe, just maybe I'm being taken advantage of. A meal cooked for us once in awhile would be nice...or maybe some of our laundry done as she does a load for herself. A house cleaning...THAT would be awesome!!

When we first talked about her moving back in with us...she was going to do all this and more. But I think she's enjoying having "free time" way too much. So why would she even mention moving out and maybe in with someone else? Hmmmm, go figure...and why in the hell weren't we aware of this option before we painted her room two tone pink and moved my exercise equipment????

One year. I think one year is a reasonable time for her to stay with us, get back on her feet financially and then get a roommate and move. So I'm not going to take this conversation seriously. Gotta go...laundry to do.

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