Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Gotta get a handle on my household. I'm feeling like I've lost control and it's bugging the piss out of me. This morning I came down to the kitchen, went to get some oj from the frig and noticed the freezer door was slightly open. Ooooops forgot to tell our new roomie that she has to close the freezer door firmly...it doesn't close on it's own. Of course, I realize that it could have been the hubby who left it open when he came home late last night, so just to cover all bases...I yelled at him about it this morning too.

Lights, lights, lights...I cringe at the electricity we are wasting. I'd finally gotten very good at switching off lights whenever I left a room and now there is someone else in the household leaving them on. I admit that it took me quite awhile to get in the habit of switching off lights and I'll just have to stay on top her till she also does this automatically.

Half filled glasses, dirty dishes left in the sink, to-go cups scattered around. Do I sound anal because I love a neat house? My house is a lot messier with me being home all the time, but I do try to have it in pretty good order at the end of the day and I'd like everyone else in the household to pick up their crap too.

I'm on my way upstairs to scrub toilets. Always a lovely job. I'm hoping roomie will do a thorough cleaning in her bathroom tonight. We have company coming in Thursday and they will have to share her bathroom. Lord save me.............


  1. I guess if your new roomie is going to be reading the blog, you may as well use it to get a message across!

  2. Been there, done that -- my middle child moved in with me in 1999. I had just bought a two-bedroom townhouse for my youngest, who was 12 and me. My adult son slept downstairs on my sofa or on the living floor until 2006:-) I certainly understand your frustration -- perils of parenthood.
